2023: fall in road deaths

New official statistics estimate there were 1,645 road fatalities in 2023, a decline of 4% compared to 2022. The provisional data, published by the DfT on 30 May, also shows there were 132,063 casualties of all severities, a year-on-year decline of 3%.
There were 29,643 killed or seriously injured (KSI) casualties, little change compared to 2022. In terms of different road user types, there were reductions in fatalities among cars, motorcyclists and cyclists. At 12%, the biggest percentage change compared to 2022 was for motorcyclists. Car occupant fatalities fell by 5%, and cyclists 7%. There was however a rise in the number of pedestrian fatalities – up by 6%.
Other analysis of the provisional 2023 data shows:
- 75% of fatalities and 61% of casualties of all severities were male
- 4% of fatalities and 10% of casualties were aged 16 years old and under
- 24% of fatalities and 29% of casualties were aged 17 to 29 years old
- 23% of fatalities and 8% of casualties were aged 70 years old and over