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Drink drive campaign warning

Eyes Up, Slow Down, Cross Safely

Drivers in Greater Manchester are being warned about the potentially fatal consequences of getting behind the wheel this summer while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Someone impaired by drink or drugs is more likely to be involved in a road traffic collision and seriously hurting themselves, their passengers and other road users, while also increasing the risk of a driving ban or prosecution.

A new campaign by Safer Roads Greater Manchester helps to raise awareness of the impact of drink and drug driving by making it clear that there is no safe level of drinking or drug use when it comes to driving, and that it is better having none for the road. Between 2019 and 2023 in Greater Manchester, driver impairment was given as the main cause for 514 road traffic collisions on the region’s roads, resulting in 851 casualties.

Of these, more than a quarter (28%) of people involved died or suffered serious injuries. During this period Manchester had the highest number of casualties due to driver impairment in Greater Manchester with 176, followed by Bolton, Salford and Wigan with 100, 99 and 91 casualties respectively.

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