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Bright ideas for safe school journeys

Eyes Up, Slow Down, Cross Safely

GEM Motoring Assist is encouraging parents and children to put their kids’ first on journeys to and from school.

As the days shorten and winter approaches, GEM says it’s important that everyone – from toddler to senior citizen – is aware of the risks that go with using our roads. This is because more than 30 children are killed or seriously injured every week on the UK’s road network.

A GEM spokesperson comments: “Every child needs to learn how to use the roads safely, whether walking or cycling, and later when driving.

“But road collisions remain a leading cause of accidental death for children, and we know they can cause life-changing injuries. That’s why it is so important for us all to take responsibility – not just for our own safety but for the safety of any children who share the roads with us – and find ways to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries.

“So the days shorten, we encourage all parents, guardians, teachers, carers and older siblings to play their part in helping children to use the roads with respect, to recognise the risks they face and to understand effective ways of minimising those risks.”

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