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Poor awareness of 2022 Highway Code changes


Road safety and breakdown organisation GEM Motoring Assist is urging drivers to ensure they understand – and adhere to – the Highway Code changes which were introduced on 29 January 2022. The changes were intended to ensure that those who can cause the most harm have the great-est responsibility to reduce danger to others.

Specifically the changes include:

• Giving priority to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross at junctions

• Requiring drivers to give way to cyclists going straight ahead when turning in or out of junctions • Establishing safe passing distances and speeds when overtaking cyclists and horse riders

• Encouraging the “Dutch Reach” method when opening car doors to avoid hitting cyclists.

However, three years on, GEM is concerned that the new rules – and the responsibility now placed on drivers – are not well enough understood. In 2023 405 pedestrians were killed on the roads of Great Britain with 6067 seriously injured1. 87 pedal cyclists were killed with 4,942 seriously injured.

More recent figures from the British Horse Society3 show that in 2024 there were 58 horses killed in road incidents, with 97 serious-ly injured. Additionally, 3,118 road incidents were reported to the Society – mostly relating to vehicles passing too close, too fast or both.

GEM said: “This has been one of the most frequently asked questions by GEM members, many of whom feel they do not have a clear understanding of their increased responsibility under the 2022 ‘hierachy of road users’. They worry that this could lead to confusion and conflict.

“The changes were welcome when they came out as they reflect a shift towards prioritising the safety of vulnerable road users and encouraging more considerate behaviour on the roads. However, they have no chance of being effective when so few drivers appear to know about them or are confused as to what they should be doing differently.”


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