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UKROEd Responsibilities

Service Level Agreement (SLA): the obligations for which UKROEd is responsible under this agreement, as set out below;


In order to effectively administer the Scheme, UKROEd will be responsible for fulfilling the following obligations:

  • Preparing and providing to the National Lead with a strategic 3 year business plan and an annual business delivery plan
  • Providing reports on Scheme related matters to the Trust, as and when reasonably requested.
  • Implementing measures to ensure business and Scheme continuity resilience.
  • Procuring/commissioning resources and services to administer the Scheme effectively, and as directed by the National Lead.
  • Formulating policy and procedure to provide rules and guidance to Participating Forces and Course Providers in order to promote delivery of the Scheme in a consistent and quality manner, as well as providing guidance and any other Scheme-related information and/or documentation to the National Lead, as and when reasonably required.
  • Developing high standard course specifications in a corporate format, appropriate for Course Providers to present to Offenders, as reasonably required by the Trust and Participating Forces.
  • Developing, reviewing, adapting and maintaining national Scheme courses at a consistent standard.
  • Protecting and maintaining the Scheme’s Intellectual Property, including without limitation its brands, trademarks and copyright.
  • Training and/or updating Scheme trainers and instructors to ensure the Scheme courses are capable of being presented as designed and at the quality required.
  • From Admin Charge funding, reviewing and monitoring of the performance of Course Providers, instructors and trainers every 3 years (or other agreed time frame) to ensure they meet the standards required.
  • Running a licensing regime (which includes, among other things, the process for issuing improvement notices and appeals) to ensure Scheme course consistency and quality.
  • Providing a secure a central database to record course attendance and restrict participation of ineligible Offenders.
  • Providing Participating Forces with specialist advice and guidance on the implementation of the Scheme and associated procedures.
  • Consulting with the Course Providers, trainers and Participating Forces, and any others involved in the Scheme in order to draw out best practice and identify challenges and issues. This shall include holding consensus conferences and user groups when appropriate
  • Providing liaison and consultation with other road safety interest groups, local and national government, stakeholders and partners on matters relating to the Scheme.
  • Dealing with FOIA, media and data protection issues arising from the Scheme, providing information, advice and guidance to all parties involved in the Scheme.
  • Ensuring the Scheme complies with all Applicable Laws and maintains the highest ethical and moral standards.
  • Procuring availability of the Scheme throughout the UK and assuring flexibility for Offenders in respect of timing and location for Scheme courses attended and payment methods, in order to facilitate a non-discriminatory Scheme which aims to cater for the needs of all eligible participants.
  • Assessing training outcomes to monitor the effectiveness of the Scheme.
  • Providing a Scheme and company website to publish the aims and objectives of the Scheme and awareness of the national availability of courses as well as providing the Participating Forces and Course Providers with a repository of the policies and guidance for the Scheme.
  • Acquiring and maintaining all licences, registrations and/or permissions necessary in the delivery of the Scheme which (including all relevant Intellectual Property registrations and licences).
  • Ensuring all UKROEd personnel engaged in connection with the Scheme (including sub-contracted staff) are subject to Baseline Personnel Security Standard checks as imposed by government departments.
  • Providing advice, guidance and recommendations to the Trust in relation to the Admin Charge and the Force Enforcement Cost Recovery Charge to ensure such amounts properly reflect the reasonable requirements of the stakeholders involved in the Scheme, having regard to the public interest.
  • Providing advice, guidance and recommendations to the Trust and, to the extent required, in consultation with the National Lead:
    • determine the amount of the Admin Charge from time to time (as approved by the Trust); and
    • determine the amount of the Force Enforcement Cost Recovery Charge from time to time (as approved by the Trust).
  • Providing full financial management support to the Scheme including:
    • administering invoicing of Course Providers and payments to Participating Forces;
    • developing financial projections and assisting in the development of financial plans;
    • maintaining records of financial management information which compares forecasts to actuals on a quarterly basis;
    • providing the National Lead with an annual (or more frequently at the direction of the National Lead) statement of the costs incurred in undertaking its role under this agreement and agreeing with the National Lead /the NPCC any adjustment to charges required; and
    • supporting the development of business cases for any expenditure the National Lead wishes to incur from the Scheme funds
  • Complying with and assisting in the implementation of the Scheme’s National Governance Framework.
  • Managing the development and administration of the DORS Service through the DORS System (or any other central database which may replace the DORS System) on behalf of the National Lead including:
    • issuing the appropriate Codes of Connection, and monitoring compliance with the same. (In the event that any party bound by a Code of Connection breaches any of the terms of the applicable Code of Connection, UKROEd shall be entitled to immediately withdraw access to the DORS System by such party);
    • providing support to Participating Forces in respect of various DORS-related issues, where reasonably requested by Participating Forces;
    • invoicing Course Providers for the Force Enforcement Cost Recovery Charge and Admin Charge;
    • facilitating timely payment of the Force Enforcement Cost Recovery Charge to Participating Forces;
    • chairing and participating in the DORS Change Management Board and
    • advising on local taxation queries raised by the National Lead

Additional Obligations and Amendments

The Obligations noted in this schedule are not exhaustive and are subject to amendment. From time to time additional obligations and/or changes to the scope of the Obligations may be agreed between the parties.

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