Action to reduce speed limits outside schools

Speed limits outside every school in England’s largest county are being reviewed as North Yorkshire Council takes “unprecedented and coordinated” action to improve road safety for young people. The council will be assessing more than 400 education sites across the county, including schools, nurseries, and colleges, starting with those where speed limits are the highest.
It has adopted a presumption in favour of lowering speed limits in these locations. In total, 22 sites have been reviewed so far, with the first reduced limits introduced outside Cundall Manor School, with the 60mph limit reduced to 40mph, and outside Appleton Wiske Primary School to, with the 30mph limit reduced to 20mph.
A further 16 schemes are in the process of being consulted upon, with lower speed limits expected to be introduced there. Separately, plans for North Yorkshire’s largest wide-scale 20mph limit introduction covering seven schools in the south and west of Harrogate are progressing.