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I attended this course listed below and would like to comment on the course facilitators. Quite simply these gentlemen were superb.

They led the course in a wonderfully relaxed yet professional manner and were of the highest standard throughout. The course ran very smoothly and in a timely fashion with excellent leadership and facilitation from them both. They handled any points of contention with aplomb and made what could have been an uncomfortable course a genuinely enjoyable and educational experience.

They created a relaxed and positive environment and covered very serious and significant topics brilliantly.

Whilst I appreciate that logistics would prevent it, I would be a strong advocate of suggesting that every driver attend such a course on a regular basis, every five years or so and within two years of passing.

Ben Laundon

Excellent presentation and very thought provoking

Mr R

I attended the course held at Brentwood. Essex in January 2019

I just want to give your department some honest feedback.

In my opinion, the two lecturers are masters of their craft. They made what I envisaged to be a terribly boring and useless afternoon, to be one of the most eye opening and fun courses I have ever attended. They kept us interested throughout the entire time and were just a pleasure to learn from.

I genuinely believe a life or more will be saved due to the direct result of their teaching – and that is no exaggeration. Our group of 24 learnt so much and the feedback after the course was unreal. Since the course, I have personally not broken a speed limit once – but I have bored many passengers with ‘smart motorways, and why refuelling is ever so important and why there is no such thing as a FAST lane!!’

Please thank them on behalf of everyone that attended – I believe a course like this, taught by professionals such as your 2 amazing colleagues should be compulsory! They had us laughing 50% of the time and taking notes learning new things the other half – genuinely grateful so please thank them for me.

Anon – Essex,  Jan 2019.

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