Drink drive deaths double in Scotland

New figures highlight that the number of drink drive deaths on Scotland’s roads has doubled in the last decade. The Transport Scotland data, published earlier this week, shows there were 20 fatalities in 2020 (the latest year for which these estimates are available) – compared with 10 in 2010.
The overall number of alcohol-related casualties was down, however, by 66% over the same period – from 740 to 250. Half of Scottish motorists (49.5%) involved in a crash last year were breathalysed by police, with 3.5% testing positive. Breathalyster firm Alcosense says this failure rate has been rising over the past few years.
Hunter Abbott, managing director of AlcoSense, said: “At nearly 50%, the proportion of breath tests by Scottish police is higher than England & Wales, where only 40% of motorists are tested after a collision.
“The failure rate in Scotland is also much lower, at 3.5% compared with 6% over the border. It’s encouraging to see drink drive accidents decreasing – but 20 fatalities is 20 deaths too many.
“Whilst the lowering of the legal limit has resulted in a hardening of attitudes towards drink driving, there’s still a reckless minority who flout the law.”