All about Driver Top-Up
Many people who have been on our courses tell us how useful they are. Each course is packed with information, advice and tips to make our roads safer. To help people remember these tips we have created resources that they can access after their course. This supports our ambition to have zero road deaths and serious injuries on UK roads.
Launched on 4th November 2024, Driver Top-Up is available to everybody who completes an NDORS course. They receive an email to confirm they have completed their course, and this will contain a unique link that gives them access to the Driver Top-Up website.

UKROEd recognises that people learn in different ways, Driver Top-Up contains short animations, quizzes, videos and articles on road safety, created and selected to support and encourage people to drive safely.
The material can be viewed as many times as people like, and they receive notifications when new materials are added.
At this stage Driver Top-Up is only available to individuals who have completed an NDORS course on or after 4th November 2024.

Why has UKROEd developed Driver Top-Up?
- To save lives by helping people stay safe on the roads
- To help the UKROEd ambition to prevent offending
- To provide useful tips in a range of formats
Drive Top-Up contains a selection of road safety information including:
- Short animations
- Quizzes
- Videos
- Short articles
Who has access to Driver Top-Up?
Anybody who has completed an NDORS course on or after 4th November 2024, including:
- National Motorway Awareness Course (NMAC)
- National Speed Awareness Course (NSAC)
- National Rider Risk Awareness Course (NRRAC)
- What’s Driving Us? (WDU)
- Safe and Considerate Driving (SCD)
- Safe and Considerate Cycling (SCC)
- Your Belt Your Life (YBYL)
Access to the Driver Top-Up website via this link is for returning users only.