Latest enforcement camera technology scheme expands

A trial of new mobile technology which can automatically detect motorists who are not wearing a seatbelt or using mobile phones while driving is being extended. The technology captures footage of passing motorists. These are processed using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse whether an offence is taking place.
The images are then passed to police for consideration on any action to be taken.
The National Highways trial first launched in 2021, when motorists spotted driving without seatbelts or on the phone by police using the technology were sent warning letters informing them of the dangers of their behaviour.
In partnership with AECOM, the research is now being extended to work with additional police forces to help learn more about how the technology could work on National Highways roads and inform a possible future roll-out nationwide. The latest trial began on 19 February and will run until March 2025.
There are plans for the technology to be fixed to gantries for the first time giving an unobscured view of all lanes.