New cycling plan for Belfast

The Northern Irish Government has set out a ten year vision to develop the Belfast Cycling Network – as part of efforts to encourage people to make ‘environmentally responsible’ travel choices.
The network was first announced in 2021 and aims to give people the freedom and confidence to cycle, through the provision of ‘safe and attractive’ space.
This could be through segregated infrastructure, traffic-free paths or quiet streets where motor traffic volumes are very low and the speed of traffic is appropriate to the quiet nature of the area.
More than 50 individual schemes have been earmarked for delivery through the network, including trialling new routes. It is estimated the total project will cost £100 million over a ten year period.
Published earlier this month, the purpose of the delivery plan is to identify the key schemes throughout the city, with a particular focus on those areas where there is currently little separated or traffic-free infrastructure.
It also identifies those schemes that link pieces of isolated infrastructure into a more coherent network of routes.
The plan highlights those schemes that could be deliverable in the short term – the medium term – and the long term. It also sets out strategic approaches to delivery.
The timescale for delivery of each project will be refined as each project is designed, consulted upon and constructed.