RAC research critical of UK’s roads

An overwhelming majority of drivers think the roads they’ve driven on in other European countries ‘put the UK’s potholed-plagued streets to shame’, a new survey shows. According to the RAC Europe survey, 72% of drivers who have experience of driving abroad think the condition of roads – such as the number and severity of potholes – is worse in the UK than in other countries, with just 8% saying the UK fares better.
Additionally, 62% say roadside litter is less of a problem abroad, compared to the 7% who think the UK roads are the cleanest. In fact, of the 14 different aspects of roads and driving the RAC asked drivers to compare between the UK and other European countries, the UK comes out better on just one – the ease of understanding road signs, with 38% of drivers saying they find this more straightforward at home than abroad.
Nearly half (49%), however, believe there is little or no difference and 13% say they find foreign road signs clearer.
Rod Dennis, RAC Europe spokesperson, said: “This research is utterly damning when it comes to the state of many of our nation’s roads when we compare them to the pristine ribbons of asphalt that can be found just across the Channel. We’ve said for years that given the amount drivers pay in tax, it’s verging on the ridiculous that they have to endure no end of potholes when driving at home.
“It’s clear from what drivers have told us they seem to forget all about potholes once they’ve left the UK, with unanimous agreement that foreign roads are simply better.”