Road Safety Trust announces theme for new applications

Fitness to Drive has been announced as the theme for the Road Safety Trust’s 2022 Main Theme Grants Programme. The programme will open in September 2022, with grants of between £25k and £300k available for the ‘research and development of innovative practical road safety interventions’.
Applications will be welcomed from public and private organisations, registered charities, university departments and not for profits. The Road Safety Trust says Because Fitness to Drive is ‘such a broad theme’, applications focussing on the following areas are eligible: Diabetes Dementia Sleep and fatigue Illegal and prescription drug use
This grant programme is not restricted to older drivers and projects can be for any age group. Eligible projects can include drivers or riders of any motorised road vehicle.
Sally Lines, chief executive of the Road Safety Trust, said: “We are announcing this year’s theme to allow public and private organisations, registered charities, university departments and not for profits the opportunity to prepare quality applications.
“The Fitness to Drive theme has been developed through a recent scoping review and an earlier consultation with the sector. Key to the Safe System approach to road safety is that those driving or riding motor vehicles should be fit to do so.
“Driving is a complex and demanding task and ensuring that individuals are physically and mentally fit to drive plays an important part in saving lives and preventing serious injuries.
“Potential applications could include but are not limited to self-assessment tools and support for drivers or riders, assessment and screening tools for health and other professionals, or better guidance, training or education.”
The 2022 Main Theme Programme will open for applications from 8 September to 19 October.
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