Shropshire young drivers

Shropshire Council’s sustainable travel team and West Mercia Police road safety team have partnered to deliver a new virtual young driver and passenger safety digital workshop to 16-18 year-olds.
The ‘Greenlight’ young driver and passenger road safety education workshop will be offered for free to all sixth forms, colleges, and schools across the Shropshire Council area, having been delivered to sixth form and college students in Herefordshire and Worcestershire by West Mercia Police for more than 10 years.
It is being offered to students in Shropshire for the first time following a review into road safety education delivery. The virtual workshop focuses on four young people’s perspectives on the collision they are all involved in and the potential choices they could have made to prevent it. Content is based around the ‘fatal four’ causation factors (speed, drink/drug driving, mobile phones, and seatbelts) as well as other issues such as inexperience and passenger responsibility.