Sign up for the Project EDWARD launch webinar

Sign up now to join the event and to have your say
Members of the Project EDWARD team are asking partners, colleagues, supporters and stakeholders to join a webinar on Thursday 31 January at 1100 for the launch of their 2024 Week of Action.
The week is scheduled to run from Monday 10 to Friday 14 June, with a theme strongly connected to the importance of data-led initiatives.
The webinar, presented using Microsoft Teams, will include a number of short video presentations from industry representatives outlining their plans for support of the week. There will also be information on the Project EDWARD 2024 podcast series: ‘My role in the Safe System’ and a look at the social media posts taking place every day during 2024.
Based on feedback received from 2023, the EDWARD team plan to work closely with Police and Crime Commissioners across the country to organise a series of regional event centred on priority road safety topics, especially those arising from the growing accessibility of data.
Project EDWARD director Darren Lindsey said: “Whatever your role, do spare an hour to join us and learn more about how you can get involved in the Week of Action.
“We will be working to create some exciting industry workshops as well as supporting efforts from regional partners to focus on key road safety challenges – including driver fatigue, drug-driving and high-risk road users.
“Supporting this will be our intention of sharing valuable data throughout the Week, with a goal of measuring progress and performance in pre-agreed areas.”
For more information about Project EDWARD and the week of action, please visit