Transport for London launches new Vision Zero dashboard

TfL has unveiled a new online data platform, which it says presents collision data in a more accessible and easier to interpret format. The Vision Zero Dashboard visualises TfL’s published collision statistics, allowing users to filter based on fields such as injury severity, location, date/time and by mode.
At present, the new dashboard shows collision data from 2017 to 2019. Data from future years will be added in due course, with plans for further analysis capability including being able to identify casualty rates by kilometre travelled.
By sharing data in this way, TfL hopes partner organisations can better identify the road danger challenges specific to their communities and work together with London’s boroughs and agencies to tackle them.
TfL has also published provisional data showing that 96 people died on London’s roads in 2020 – compared to 125 in 2019. The 2020 figure includes 31 motorcycle fatalities – the same number as in 2019 – with 45 people killed while walking and six cycling.
Will Norman, London’s walking and cycling commissioner, said: “Every death on London’s roads is one too many which is why we are determined to eliminate these tragedies through our Vision Zero action plan.
“The launch of our new online dashboard is key to achieving this goal as making collision data more accessible is useful not only for TfL and partner organisations, but also the public.
“It also serves as a timely reminder about the importance of driving safely and sticking to speed limits to protect all road users, especially those who are most vulnerable.”