UKROEd rolls out new generation of courses for traffic offenders

There’s a brand new look coming to speed awareness courses across the UK. Following a comprehensive review of content and delivery methods conducted by UKROEd, the new-look course – along with other courses for low-level traffic offenders – will be adopted by all course providers from Thursday 1 November.
Key developments include:
- Brand new National Speed Awareness, ‘What’s Driving Us’ and ‘Safe, Considerate Driving’ courses;
- A streamlining of the courses on offer, with an end to the current ‘NSAC 20’ 20mph speed awareness course and the ‘Driving 4 Change’ course. Information relating to 20mph speed awareness will be included within the standard National Speed Awareness Course. People who may previously have been offered ‘Driving 4 Change’ may now be offered a place on the ‘What’s Driving Us’ course;
- New specially commissioned videos and animations to form part of the course content, including a six-minute video tackling speed and stopping distances
- Central collation of course components to ensure consistency and quality across all providers.
Dr Fiona Fylan, who heads the UKROEd course development unit, said this review of courses started with a thorough look at the evidence base. “It’s great that the current course received a ringing endorsement from the highly-respected Ipsos MORI research group earlier this year, but we needed to know whether there was anything new in our understanding of driver behaviour and effective ways of changing it,” she explained. “This could then be built into the content framework for the new courses.”
Dr Fylan explains that each course is based on latest research, and undergoes robust and extensive evaluation. “This important process allows us to demonstrate that these new courses are ‘fit for purpose.’ Before a course is rolled out nationally, it is piloted in a controlled environment. Changes can then be made before it is officially launched as a National NDORS course,” she added.
“We also made a commitment to take the course delivery to a new level of quality and engagement. That’s why we have included a suite of custom-made videos, animations and other resources that make the courses more enjoyable, client-focused and interactive. After all, If people are enjoying being there, then they are more willing to see and absorb a different point of view.”
UKROEd chief executive Jerry Moore said the updates were important in the ongoing development of high quality courses. “It is our responsibility to provide all trainers with the very best and appropriate presentations to ensure the courses are at the highest quality, consistent throughout the UK, and meet the needs of those attending,” he said.
“This new line-up of courses represents a significant iteration of our material and we hope the update will be welcome by the public who attend and benefit from courses”.
Positive feedback from the course pilot:
“It made me think about what happens when you’re driving.”
“The points relating to stopping distances really hit home. I only passed my test last year but I had forgotten loads, so this was time well spent.”
“I have been on a course once before, about five years ago. With this new course, things have changed for the better.”