Young Driver Focus 2021 report features Road Safety Trust

Although the Young Driver Focus event scheduled to be held in London this year has had to be postponed, the organisers have decided to share some excellent content in their Young Driver Focus 2021 Report, which can be downloaded here.
The report is the brainchild of James Evans, founder of FirstCar, who have organised the Young Driver Focus over the years. “With so much great work going on in the important young driver road safety sector, we at FirstCar didn’t want to wait until next year to share this knowledge,” he said.
“That’s why with the help of our very kind supporters: GEM Motoring Assist, the RAC Foundation and Westcotec, we have produced the Young Driver Focus 2021 report, which is free to read.
“We’ve connected with over a dozen experts across both the public and private sector, all of whom work tirelessly and feel passionately about helping to reduce casualties within the young driver sector. They happily share their learnings, knowledge, and insight. In our ‘Road Safety Showcase’ we hear from various local authorities throughout the UK on how they approach the subject of tackling young driver road safety.”
The Road Safety Trust was invited to submit an article relevant to the readership of young drivers and relevant professionals. Chief Executive Sally Lines aid: “It’s great coverage for the Trust and mentions the context with UKROEd, plus two other articles in the publication are projects that we have funded.”